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Garum Glaze (+vegetarian option)

Garum Glaze (+vegetarian option)

By Merijn van Berlo – Restaurant Choux 


  • 50 g beef garum (or mushroom garum for vegetarians)
  • 50 g sushi vinegar
  • 250 g reduced veal jus (or roasted vegetable jus for vegetarians)
  • 50 g brown butter
  • 50 g chicken fat (or maitake oil for vegetarians)
  • 150 g smoked butter

How to Make the Glaze:

  1. Combine and reduce: Place all the ingredients in a pot. Heat gently on low heat, allowing the mixture to reduce into a transparent, sticky glaze.
  2. Whisk, don’t blend: Use a whisk to emulsify the fats into the mixture. Avoid blending, as this can make the glaze cloudy.

How to Use the Glaze:

Keep the glaze warm, reheating is difficult as it splits easily. Prepare it just before you need it and use it to elevate meats, roasted vegetables, or other dishes.

Garum used in this recipe